Proprietress Table

“I am a Pearly Gates child, raised to be successful with the ability to study and learn independently and become an agent of change in my world”.

Welcome to Pearly Gates Montessori School (PGMS)

The above is the confession our children make every morning before they start their work. This becomes the yardstick for measuring our performance. Is the child able to study and learn independently and successfully?

At Pearly Gates Montessori School, we explore every possible means to ensure that the confession becomes the testimonial of every child. We make use of the tested and trusted Montessori Curriculum at the creche and preschool level. This helps them acquire skills for language and literacy, mathematics, knowledge and understanding of the world, creativity development, physical development, personal and social skills.


Mrs Aniema Inyang

The transition from the preschool to primary is usually very smooth because the children are well prepared. It is usually accompanied with fanfare which the young graduates always look forward to. Though our primary classes employ the British Curriculum, it borrows from other learning areas and curricula like the EYFS, the Montessori Curriculum where it becomes necessary.

Our partners are qualified, passionate, happy  caregivers and teachers. They are always ready and willing to work with our amazing parents who themselves, are our children’s first teachers. Since inception of the school in 2012, we have had several testimonials to show that we are on the right track. We believe that this is because, before the commencement of every session, we intentionally commit the entire year into the unfailing hands of our biggest ally, God.

By His grace, we shall continually ensure that PGMS remains a safe and prepared environment, where children thrive and become successful change agents in their world.

Thank you.

A.U. Inyang (Mrs)


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